Sunday, May 27, 2012

Hakodate sightseeing

After the Undou-kai, Ikumi (Emily’s former host mother) stayed at home to prepare dinner while Ryousuke (the father) took me and the children in the car to the top of Hakodate Mountain, so I could see the view of the city and the bay/port. We then drove along the coastline (by this time both Momo and Hanako were fast asleep in the car, tired out by the long day in the sun).

We next went through the city to look at the many preserved church buildings and foreigner cemeteries. After a long time being closed to foreigners during the Tokugawa Period, Japan initially opened 5 ports for use by the United States after the intimidating appearance of Mathew Perry. Hakodate was one of these original 5 ports and was particularly sought after by the US as a place for Pacific whaling ships to dock and get supplies. It was later opened up to trade with foreign countries besides the US. This means that Hakodate has a fairly rich history when it comes to the mixing of cultures, and therefore a lot of foreign architecture and European influence can be seen throughout the city.

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