Friday, May 25, 2012

My morning walk…

Again I decided to get up early and leave after breakfast to do some nature sightseeing. I found a path that led down to the seashore and so walked at the bottom of the bluffs that I had walked on top of the day before. Unfortunately, I couldn’t make it all the way to the Osorokochi low-lying beach because it was high tide, but I did manage to climb halfway up a nearby bluff and take some nice pictures of the mouth of the feature.

I then turned and looked down the coast towards Noboribetsu harbor to take some pictures of Humpe-sapa (which in Ainu means “whale-head”). What was once a bold rock formation that jutted out to sea has been diminished by many years of quarrying its light red volcanic rock (Strong S. 2011, 49).

I returned to my hotel where I did some reading for 2 hours before Seino-san came to pick me up and take me to the neighboring town of Shiraoi.

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