Saturday, May 26, 2012

To Hakodate

I said goodbye to Seino-san and Yokoyama-san, thanking them for all their help, and got on the train for Hakodate. This time the train was right on schedule and I didn’t run into any problems. Emily’s former host family, the Ishida family, met me at the train station and we went back to their house where we had a wonderful dinner of grilled chicken, crab, and make-your-own sushi.

Momo found out that I was doing research on the Ainu and gave me his small textbook about Northern Peoples that he had used the previous year in elementary school. It is very simple and easy to read, and although it does not have much in-depth information, it is very interesting to see what Hokkaido children learn about Ainu in public schools (it is not very much).  

I then played with the children, Momo and Hanako, doing origami before calling it an early night.

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